Well, even thought it has been months still a good blog, I feel I need to catch up! This first post for this week is about my foot surgeries this Spring...as I wrote the post in April, about the plan of Heavenly Father, I was struggling to be patient as my foot healed! Well, little did I know that I would have to learn patience again!
The day they took the stitches out, I was able to walk a little normal on it, and I was so excited! They said I could now shower too! The next day I decided to do some cleaning out and organizing in my office, and sort of put off showering... maybe I was nervous, and now I know why! My foot was still pretty swollen, and when I got out of the shower, I was rubbing some of the dead skin off my leg. Then "pop" and "splash"!!! My wound opened up and blood came rushing out! Luckily only an inch of it opened. After I finally cleaned up the mess and it slowed up on the bleeding, I called the doctor to ask what to do, and they said, "Go to the ER!" With Tyler at work, I called my mom, discouraged that I had to call and ask her yet again to drive me and help me out! When I called Tyler, he said he would meet us there as soon as he could get there. I'm so glad we went to the ER, because they used Ster-Strips and fixed it, cautioning me to be very careful until I saw the doctor. I think this mishap came about because my foot was still so swollen.
That night at home, I was very light-headed and discouraged. I thought I had made it to the end of my time worrying about my foot, but no, this incision was not done healing! I hated to cry in front of Tyler, and spent some time in my room, trying to enjoy the beautiful spring outside through my window or sitting on my front porch. I missed being out there, running, feeling the thrill of the "runner's high," being able to drive wherever I wanted, run errands, and enjoy nature. Tyler was so patient and understanding, and I relied so much on Heavenly Father for answers and hope. I read the scriptures for comfort, direction, and peace. I know that He answered those prayers. I was being tested again to show faith and learn many things.
Throughout the weekend, I was nauseous, I think from the sight of all the blood and perhaps from losing blood. This experience grossed me out! My foot surgery had turned out to be much bigger than I realized, and the incision SOOO much longer and involved than I thought. Luckily, I was able to enjoy the weekend time with Tyler and family, although I missed a family wedding for Tyler's nephew. I sent him on so he could still go and represent us, and my parents were so good to help AGAIN!
When I went to see the doctor on the Tuesday following, he looked at my foot, (I turned away because I was getting nauseous) and he said, "Well, it is still pretty deep and involved, and it looks like we will have to do surgery again to wash it out really well and prevent infection. We will have to do an emergency surgery tomorrow." He said that this time they would leave the stitches in longer. Because of my diabetes, my healing would take longer, and they would keep the stitches in "until the 2nd Coming."
Well, the second surgery on Wednesday went smoothly, and this time they kept me in the hospital overnight. Tyler was so willing to take more vacation time to be with me on the day of surgery and my mom sacrificed a critical day where she should be working downtown. (She knew she wouldn't be able to think of anything else if she weren't there--what a mom!) Tyler also slept in the fabulous hospital window-seat to stay with me overnight. That sweet man shows me so much love!
The most dis-heartening part of that, was that I was supposed to be enjoying BYU Women's Conference, even staying in a hotel in Provo, on Thursday and Friday with my sisters (even Laura, who flew in from Michigan!) and my mom. Man!!! I needed women's conference so much, and I had to be stuck in the hospital instead. I was SOOO thankful that when Laura flew in, the sisters and Mom picked her up and came to visit me before they headed down to Provo.
The next day I was so anxious to leave the hospital, and it seemed the process took forever, but Tyler was there, running to get me a wheelchair. I came to the conclusion with the help of prayer & Tyler, that the cool "knee scooter" was not very beneficial to reducing the swelling on my foot, because the place where the incision was had all the blood rushing to it! We thought, although it was awkward, that a wheelchair where the foot was elevated out straight in front would all the blood to flow away from the site. I again had a blood bag I would have to be emptying for several days. We took it easy at home that night, and the next day I attempted to get ready for Women's conference! I didn't want to miss this!
My mom was so willing to leave Provo and come through awful traffic to pick me up and head straight back down for the day. I was back to sitting showers for several weeks, and getting ready with a foot that had to be elevated became a difficulty that would now last longer than I wanted, planned, or imagined! What a blessing to spend a day at BYU with the women of the LDS faith, united in their desires to serve and follow the Savior. Yes, I got stares everywhere. Yes, I stayed put in my spot in the Marriott all day. But I was there! Hooray! This experience taught me a great lesson: Sometimes the people who need the upliftment the most are those who physically or for another reason can't be present at such uplifting events!

Getting around in a wheelchair proved to be even harder than I expected! It is exhausting to propel a body with your arms, even if there are wheels! The following Monday (a few days later), I was back on track at school. I wanted to be there, and how inspired I realized I had been-- even though I didn't realize it at the time-- to prepare all my school plans for the weeks I would be back. Sitting down for a month of recovery lended itself to lots of lesson planning! The plan for getting to school consisted of: my mom coming with me, loading my wheelchair in and out of her car, helping me all day, moving my desks and class arrangement so I could get around; and then other days, Tyler would take me on his way to work, also unloading and unloading the chair, and my co-worker Libbi would offer to take me home.
This sweet girl was in my class last year-- and was in a wheelchair with a broken leg at the same time!

The students were so helpful with pushing me around, but teaching in a wheelchair was NOT fun! I cheated several times and stood up to get around, but I always paid the price later when my foot swelled up and was in pain. I tried to be a good girl and not overdo it, and the work paid off! In a few weeks, the doctor was saying, "I don't know what you have been doing to heal, but this looks fantastic!" Yeah for progress!
Over the course of several doctor appointments and continuing to elevate my foot, the incision healed well, and the swelling went down. It still swells when I've been on it for a time, and the doctor recently said it will be 6 more months of pain as the muscles and nerves in my foot heal.

A few things I learned I want to make sure I write:
-Always offer to help push someone in a wheelchair!
-My husband is wonderful at helping take care of me!
-My Mom's incredible, endless love never ceases to amaze me.
-Don't take going outside, walking, running, getting around for granted!
-Be more compassionate and sensitive to others with surgeries.
-Never give up! and KEEP the faith!
-Heavenly Father has a hand in our lives and in the timing: He knew I needed Tyler at this time; He knew I needed to have a home without stairs (I almost sold this place a year and 1/2 ago); He knows what will help us through; He blessed me with a VERY sweet and sensitive class of 3rd graders this year, that would help me through it too!
So, below are some picture of the progression! BEWARE!!!! THESE ARE
This is when the doctor took every other stitch out and left it that way for a week. JUST to MAKE SURE it healed gradually and well! :) It worked!
And here is how it looks today!!!
And here is the stitch I just pulled out- today!- that was showing through as a little blue dot in my skin-- tweezers do wonders!
1 comment:
Hooray for an update! The foot looks AWESOME! And I'm glad you caught that last stitch that was hanging around. :-) Don't forget to take it easy so it can continue to heal!
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