It was so much fun being with my sister and her cute family at the warm South Carolina beach-- and Laura was so brave to come after just a week after her delivery! Ben did great in the stroller, and Ella and Tyler were maniacs- absolutely no fear of the water! Gratefully, Mike and I were both there to go play with them and watch them in the waves. I loved lifting them up and jumping each time a wave broke and crashed into us! We all had a ball! Even with the sand. :)
This new little addition to the Carlstons- Benjamin-- is darling! I made this fun yellow cuddly blanket for him, using the material that is also in Laura's mission quilt! I was worried it would be too warm for them to use in S. Carolina, but we discovered he LOVES to be warm! And now we know they will be moving to Chicago in February!! Brrr! I love how good Tyler was to pose with me.

Here is another priceless smile from Tyler! In the words of my Tyler, "Is that not a face to love!!"
Ella was SOOOO much fun to hang out with too! We had great talks as I played with her at the park, drove her to preschool, and shopped together. Such a cutie! I love how she wanted to wear my shoes the last night I was there. I sure miss these kids!!
I'm so excited for the Carlston's to visit for Christmas! What a priceless opportunity to be with them for a week and to help and learn from Laura & Mike. As I left on the plane, I looked out the window, teary-eyed, wishing Laura's family lived closer! What sweet, special children! What a blessing to be their aunt and have that time with them!
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