Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, September 13, 2012


So now that the cooler temperatures of September are approaching (okay, I know 70 isn't that cool-- but it's MUCH cooler than it has been this summer!), I feel it's time to look back and reminisce on the AWESOME summer it has been! Our first summer being married! Our summer had a great kick-off with an incredible trip to San Diego! Tyler loves photography, and had a blast taking pictures of one of his other great loves: ANIMALS! We visited San Diego Zoo, the Safari Park, and Sea World! What a blast!!

We enjoyed the beach, the temple, and Old Town too, with the Mormon Battalion visitor's center.

There were lots of adventures this summer: swimming, seeing "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" with our parents in Sundance, attending a concert at the conference center, having a FABULOUS niece sleepover party, and even seeing an incredible group from Sweden who are a remake of ABBA! They were amazing!

And I'm sure I've forgetting more things than that too... More to come!

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