We were able to attend a concert with the Kendricks to see Daniel Beck, a wonderful LDS vocalist, who has such an incredible tone, and fun stage presence! We invited him to sing at our wedding lunch, but he couldn't make it. It was good to see him, and he congratulated us!
For our two month anniversary, a surprise box came to my school-- roses from Tyler! The picture below doesn't do these roses justice! They were gorgeous! What a sweetheart, and again I say-- this man loves to do surprises!

Then we had a fun date night celebrating! With all of the football "bowl" games being played, I thought it would be fun to plan a bowl-themed date! Here's our dinner with lots of foods in bowls, including taco soup! I tried to find foods that would be eaten at football games too.

Then off we went to go BOWLing! We each own a bowling ball, and have actually never been bowling together! Tyler was very impressive, and I took lots of fun video of him bowling under his legs and dancing when he made a spare or strike! But unfortunately, the videos aren't downloading from my phone. :( But I'll never erase them!

Tyler is such a spiritual giant, and such a fun, animated man! He makes me laugh often, and brings me to tears with how sweet and concerned and thoughtful he is. He's already been given me two beautiful priesthood blessings, and takes such good care of me and my little ailments. He is so easy to tickle, and I love his laugh! It makes ME laugh. Last night we laughed so hard, that he couldn't catch his breath and made funny noises. Then he said, "I felt like a squeaky toy!" Of course this made me laugh even harder!
He is always so ready to fix things, and I am amazed at his ability to install kitchen lights, ceiling fans, fix the bathroom sink, install shelves in the garage, download apps, install our wireless printer,... the list could seriously go on! What amazes me the most is his WILLINGness to help and do whatever he can! He is so generous and thoughtful and kind! I learn so much from his unselfish example.
He did have an accident one day, however. You would think he would know what was safe after having a dad in the electrical business for 40 years! I'm kidding! Actually, he was a VERY good sport and let me gel and make his hair all crazy one day! But he thought it looked like this had happened! Ha ha! I told you he was animated!
For one date, he even asked if we could take treats to neighbors-- what a dream come true to have someone to be with that wants to serve! His fun idea was to go "hamburglaring." See if you can figure out what these are made of from the picture!

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