The timing of this April Conference was just what our family needed. I love how we get together and enjoy each other as we listen to the prophets. It's one of the times of the year I feel closest to my family, because I know the Spirit draws us closer to each other. How blessed that as being members of the Lord's church we are also sealed eternally as a family. And now, to have my own eternal companion to enjoy conference with,... well, life is so much sweeter! I'm so grateful for Tyler's testimony and desire to listen and heed the prophets too.
Saturday Tyler and I enjoyed the sessions at our home as we cleaned, knowing I wouldn't be able to do as much cleaning starting Monday (foot surgery). We were SOOOO blessed, such a tender mercy from Heavenly Father, that the special reclining couch we bought from RC Willey was going to be delivered that day so it would already be here when I came home from the hospital Monday! In between the Saturday sessions, we loaded up Grandma's old couch and took it to my mom's until Brian will be able to put it in his home.

That evening, after I had cleaned and cleaned, and the couch was delivered, I headed to my parents while the men were all at priesthood session. I had so much fun "girl chatting" with my sisters and mom, and being with my nieces and one nephew not old enough to attend the priesthood session. Wow, I love girl time, and I'm looking forward to Women's Conference in a few weeks!!

Every Saturday night of General conference, since I was a teenager, I have always begged my dad to take notes and share with me what great things the prophets taught the men in the priesthood session. I know that with the web now, I could probably read the talks only hours after the session is over, but I LOVE hearing my dad's perspective of what he learned! My brothers have caught on to this tradition, and are just as ready to share THEIR notes from priesthood session now too! In fact, rather than my dad and I just sitting down, the whole family gathers and the ladies all listen as the men share. This year I also got to hear notes from Tyler when he got home from watching the priesthood session with his dad! I'm so grateful these men take their responsibilities to magnify the priesthood seriously and with honor. I want to support and help them achieve their potential in any way I can!

On Sunday, we have traditionally met back at my mom's house to enjoy conference all day together. We start with breakfast at 9 am, then watch Music and the Spoken Word at 9:30, and then sit and enjoy both sessions of conference (10-12 and 2-4). The difficult part is missing my sister Laura and her family now, but what a blessing Skype has become! I was excited we got to talk with her between sessions of conference! And it's nice at least knowing that she is watching the same thing we are at the same time. :)

Tyler was such a good sport to get up and get ready for watching Sunday sessions... he was so tired, I offered to drive this time so he could sleep a little more. Isn't he so handsome? Even when he is fast asleep!!

One of my friends shared her favorite conference quotes on her blog, and what a great idea! (Thanks Jen!) So here are several that stood out to me:
Saturday Morning:
-Elder Packer- talked about the family and what a great responsibility parenthood is. Many can't have children, but righteous longing and yearning will be fulfilled. Those not fortunate enough to have children are not as accountable..(paraphrased) He also said FAMILY TIME is sacred time. The plan of happiness is the plan of families.
-Cheryl Esplin: quoted Psalms 119:34 "Give me understanding and I shall keep the law" to refer to teaching our children.
-Elder Hallstrom- some have as their goal to be active in church (by attending), but just as important to be active in the gospel (living the gospel) Do this by: 1-deepening our understanding of Deity, 2-Focus on ordinances & covenants, 3-Unit the gospel with the church- we aren't there to be entertained, but to be taught and to live it.
-Paul E. Koelliker- taught about PATTERNS. God has a pattern for many things- several spoke about patterns this conference! I'm searching more for patterns now as I study the scriptures.
-Elder Oaks- Talked about many who make sacrifices today to serve missions, to be parents, to provide for families, to offer assistance to others, and quoted Pres. Hinckley-how our lives as members of the church are a symbol of our faith.
-Pres. Eyring gave a BEAUTIFUL, TOUCHING talk about adversity. I was impressed this time how he quoted the scripture in Doctrine and Covenants 19- "Which suffering caused myself, even God, to tremble because of pain." Our foundation is on personal integrity, and consistently doing what is right. One key in trials is to judge correctly the time of curing. Serve God and others persistently- this brings spiritual strength. Act on every "twig" of faith- things hope for! We receive no witness until after the trial of faith. One very good lady who seemed to be enduring so many trials, they could only reason, was given trials to be polished a little more.
Saturday Afternoon:
-Elder Holland- Don't be full of envy- be happy for others in their successes and blessings. He was PLEADING for people to come back, especially the men. The time is short, we are in the last hours- do it now.
-Elder Hales- at these time we should come to ourselves and come more fully unto Christ. Renew our covenants weekly with the sacrament. We need the power that is ONLY RECEIVED through temple ordinances.
-Elder Quentin L. Cook- Many are tone deaf to the music of faith, and are interested only in the worldly. Avoid being overly judgmental of behavior that we know is foolish. (Who are we to judge?) *Praying with children may be more important than any other example. Persistently pray and study the scriptures- may require creativity and at times humor on the hard days.
-Elder Scott- AMAZING insights to receiving revelation! I'm grateful he shared so much wisdom that he has gained over years of experience. He shared a PATTERN that works for him: Fast, Study, & Ponder the scripture, praying for information to know. Yielding to anger or hurt drives away the Holy Ghost. Use careful, quiet speech. The Spirit is enhanced by good health practices. Make careful, appropriate choices. Revelation can also come in dreams- write them down as soon as you awake. (This is something I've never put much stock in, but maybe should!) The Lord has leaders who teach us. When it's for the Lord's purposes, He can bring anything to our remembrance. SAVE and record sacred information. *One who is obedient is TRUSTED of the Lord. Truth is planted in a righteous, not haughty environment. One motivated by praise is not one who will be led by the Spirit. PONDER the scriptures if you don't feel He has answered your prayers. Recognize the revelation at critical times in your life. The disposition to do what's right brings peace and happiness. Communication with Heavenly Father isn't trivial- it's a PRIVILEGE! "May the Lord inspire in you the principles that lead to personal revelation."
Sunday Morning:
-Pres. Uchtdorf- EXCELLENT TALK! We ALL depend on the Savior- non of us can be saved without it. Forgive one another; blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Sometimes we justify our anger as appropriate, but those who pass judgment on others are inexcusable. It's important to forgive one another in your HEARTS. The one who is hardest to forgive & needs it the most is the one looking back in the mirror! If you find yourself judging or not forgiving- STOP IT! A bumper sticker: "Don't judge me because I sin differently than you." Jesus set the PATTERN!! Love your enemies, pray for them that use you. God loves US so much, we too must forgive! Do you exclude or push others away because of what they have done? Put down our stones; let us forgive. *The same measure you use of judgment, it shall be measured to you again. Learn to let go of things.
-Elder Nelson- Reproduction is a SACRED gift. The Book of Mormon is now in 107 languages! The spirit is nurtured by eternal truth.
-Ronald A. Rasband- some of the sweetest spirits are house in handicapped bodies or with deformities. *God's works are being made manifest through challenges of others. There is limitless love the Father has for us. Great is the worth of a soul- physically and spiritually. Don't stop and ask if you can help- just help! (Like someone drowning.)
-Julie Beck (I'll miss her!) Relief Society is not just an organization; it's a way of life. It's a protecting wall. Joseph F. Smith didn't want us as women to get caught up in worldly women groups. Daughters of My Kingdom lays out a PATTERN of sisters, families, & brothers working together. Many will be drawn to the church in large numbers because they are different than the women of the world. (I asked myself: How can we be different?)
-Elder Chritofferson- I plead with you to study the Atonement. Our doctrine is pure, clear, easy to understand; missionary work is spreading. Jesus is the resurrected Lord by whom we shall enter the Heavenly Kingdom.
-President Monson- When times of crisis come or loved ones are injured, we determine what's really important. (true!) We qualify HERE for all that God has prepared for us to receive. From experience, we learn to reach HEAVENWARD. Lay aside the sins that beset us, and RUN the race that is set before us! The race is not to the swift- the prize belongs to him that endures to the end. Don't just flow with the currents of life.
Sunday Afternoon:
-Elder Perry- God's work & glory is immortality and eternal life of men! The Book of Mormon stands as a 2nd witness. The Bible AND the BofM are necessary- when used TOGETHER, they confound false doctrine. Draw closer to the Savior by reading the BofM.
-Elder Ballard- The growing disregard for marriage leads to other problems... When couples marry, economic opportunities increase, and with two parents, children succeed more. When society has more strong families, we have safe and more prosperous communities! The most important cause: FAMILIES! Also.. if we attend church, the divorce rate is lower. Remove fear or marrying and family with faith. Pay careful attention to finding a companion. No career brings as much fulfillment as raising a family. Be EQUAL partners in marriage. Use the resources of the church to help your family. None are lost!
-Elder Neil L. Anderson- What thinks Christ of me?? "In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."
Below are some pictures of other family times we have recently enjoyed...
Noah getting ordained to be a deacon, Savannah's birthday party, and Zac's birthday party, where the family played basketball together!

1 comment:
Love it! I'm glad you enjoyed the weekend too. It's definitely weekends like this that I miss being closer to family! But we're doing what the Lord wants us to do, as hard as it is. We love you and hope your recovery is going well! I loved talking with you yesterday. Only a few more weeks until W.C.!!
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