It's hard to believe that I didn't even know Tyler a year ago! For my little gift to him for our 5 month anniversary, I decided to make what I have been thinking about for the past year. When we first met on ldsplanet, we sent several messages back and forth to get to know each other. Well, obviously, we have deleted those accounts now, but before I deleted mine, I saved all the messages we wrote to each other in a word document. I also got a new phone last July, and I typed up every text message he sent me. I also saved all the emails we have sent back and forth. So... with all of that, I compiled and formatted every message, in order of date, together so we have a book of "Our Story." So much of our story can be understood as you read our messages, that I thought it would be a wonderful keepsake for our family history and for our posterity to someday read. As I compiled it all, I wasn't even through the month of September when it came to 32 pages already! I decided to make the book cover and print just the first page. We looked at the rest on my laptop last night. I'm going to add my journal entries of my feelings about Tyler too, and print it all up when it's complete.
Last night we also thought it would be nice to read each others' patriarchal blessings again. We did that a couple weeks after we were engaged, and it was such a spiritual and insightful experience! It was exciting again to read our blessings together and realize how much they correlate together. I'm excited to have Tyler help me fulfill my blessing, and to help support him to reach his mission as well!

I can't share enough how blessed I feel to be married to Tyler. He takes such incredible care of me... some days it brings me to tears how very much he loves and cares for me. Other days, I'm brought to tears with how much fun and laughter we enjoy together! I'm so grateful we have the same resolution to avoid evil in the world we are in today. Our Book of Mormon study and discussion every night is just what I've hoped and dreamed for in an eternal companion. We look forward to the future and the great things ahead for us and our eternal family! Families are central to God's plan of happiness. I always felt that with my own family, and I feel so grateful to Heavenly Father for leading me to my eternal companion at this stage of life! He knew I needed Tyler at this time, and what joy we have been able to experience together!
We enjoyed driving up to Brigham City for a family get together and seeing the new temple! Wow!

Tyler woke up early on Valentine's Day to make me pink, heart-shaped pancakes! This is why the apron below that I made for him is so perfect! You can't see, but it says, "The SWEETEST thing in the kitchen."

With going in for surgery this past Monday, I wanted to do a special date with Tyler- a Jazz game! Although it was a heartbreaker in the last second, we DID get to see Jimmer play, and it was so cute to see what a high Tyler was on after getting a picture with Matt Harpring, being so close to the court after the game, and then getting a picture with Thurl Bailey! They were all so kind, and Tyler felt like a kid on Christmas!

The blossoms are amazing outside right now! The Energy Solutions Center was gorgeous... and so is this guy! :)

The new City Creek Center is incredible! We saw it after attending a memorable Jazz game!

Another blog post already?!?!! Wahoo! I like you being on the couch all day. :-) I love all the pictures and I'm so glad he's taking such good care of you. What a cool temple in Brigham City!
I love the idea of of book of all the things you have written to each other. It is so great to have all of that in a way that you can save it forever. Love it!
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