Tyler and I celebrated our one month anniversary on Monday! We had a candlelight dinner and ate our wedding cake after work, and Tyler gave me a darling musical card, and we had fun shopping with some of our gift cards for Christmas! What a blessing to have gift cards to use for our shopping this year! Not such a bad idea to have a wedding in November! :)
We feel so blessed for the way people have been so generous and excited for us! I am asked often how I like married life, and I'm truly sooo happy! Tyler and I are discovering more every day how alike we are. It's incredible to think we have made it to our mid 30's single and never knowing each other, and be so similar! We enjoy the same activities, sense of humor, foods, music, and more. I'm so grateful we were both led to each other. I'm so grateful he waited for me and that I waited for him. Such richness and joy comes from marriage, more than I imagined. I was happy in my single life, which I know was a great gift and blessing from Heavenly Father and my Savior. But I know that joy comes from sharing my life with someone else. I was wondering if I might miss my independence when I would be married, but I enjoy being with this wonderful, sweet, amazing man! He was worth the wait, the search, and all the praying and fasting!
In just a month, we have made great memories together:
-A fun trip to St. George, staying at the Inn at Entrada (Tyler planned it so well- a surprise, and such a nice place! I highly recommend it!)
-We got hit with some exciting towing, refrigerator repair, and new disposal repairs in 24 hours!
-Laughing, teasing, tickling!!! (He is soooo ticklish! I love it!)
-He has put up a new ceiling fan, a shower head, shelf in the laundry room, and hooked up all the electronics for the house!
-We had a great time shopping for a Christmas tree, going to the festival of trees, seeing "It's a Wonderful LIfe" at Desert Star, and wrapping presents!
-We have gone to fun concerts and movies together.
-We have enjoyed our weekly temple trips, and doing family names his mom has found!
-AND, he surprises me with flowers, chocolates, foot rubs (they are the best), and he helps with dishes and making meals!